Friday, January 29, 2016

The War Crimes of Winston Churchill and the Mad Doctor Lindemann: A True Holocaust Story

The War Crimes of Winston Churchill and the Mad Doctor Lindemann: A True Holocaust Story

The Most Heinous, Barbaric War Crimes of WWII:

There is not a doubt that the Lancaster, the B17 and the B24 were built for the purpose of inflicting massive civilian casualties on the German populace.  It was the greatest war crime ever perpetrated. Colonel Robin Olds, surely one of the finest officers and fighter pilots ever to serve in the USAF, stated more than once that the so-called strategic bombing program was ineffective, wasteful and pointless. The eighth air force lost 80,000 men killed in the skies of Europe and the futility of the so-called strategic bombing program was illustrated very clearly by the fact that Germany reached its highest point of war material production in the last months of the war. Colonel Olds was of the opinion, widely shared, that fighter bombers carrying a single bomb flying low and fast would have been far more effective against German military and strategic targets.

Olds said that a single Mustang could have dropped a five hundred pound bomb through the window of any factory in Germany.  It is very difficult to do that when you are flying in formation at 25,000 feet! He also emphasized that this would have greatly minimized civilian casualties. His career suffered because of his outspoken criticism. One can assume  that he knew the real reason for the so-called “strategic bombing.”

It is was GENOCIDE!

The Luftwaffe vs RAF

The Luftwaffe built only light, manoeuvrable, low altitude bombers, designed for ground support and unsuitable for genocidal terror-bombing. Whereas, the British and the Americans built huge bombers, which were designed and were being built, well before the war for the express purpose of blanket terror-bombing of civilians – they could have had no other purpose.

(Above intro was written  by Randulf Johan Hansen)

The following is excerpted from “Witness to History” by Michael Walsh, Historical Review Press 1996, with some additional info and graphics added)

Who Started the Blitz?

Between 1940 and 1945, sixty-one German cities with a total population of 25 millions were destroyed or devastated in a bombing campaign initiated by the British government. Destruction on this scale had no other purpose than the indiscriminate mass murder of as many German people as possible quite regardless of their civilian status. It led to retaliatory bombing resulting in 60,000 British dead and 86,000 injured. The British and the USA also bombed France, resulting in 60,000 civilian dead.

Hidden from the Public

‘It is one of the greatest triumphs of modern emotional engineering that, in spite of the plain facts of the case which could never be disguised or even materially distorted, the British public, throughout the Blitz Period (1940-1941), remained convinced that the entire responsibility for their sufferings rested on the German leaders.’ Advance to Barbarism, F.J.P. Veale.

‘It may be Inconvenient History but England rather than Germany initiated the murderous slaughter of bombing civilians thus bringing about retaliation. Chamberlain conceded that it was “absolutely contrary to International law.” It began in 1940 and Churchill believed it held the secret of victory. He was convinced that raids of sufficient intensity could destroy Germany’s morale, and so his War Cabinet planned a campaign that abandoned the accepted practice of attacking the enemy’s armed forces and, instead made civilians the primary target. Night after night, RAF bombers in ever increasing numbers struck throughout Germany, usually at working class housing, because it was more densely packed.’ The Peoples’ War, Angus Calder. London, Jonathan Cape, 1969.*

Hitler Forced to Retaliate

‘Hitler only undertook the bombing of British civilian targets reluctantly three months after the RAF had commenced bombing German civilian targets. Hitler would have been willing at any time to stop the slaughter. Hitler was genuinely anxious to reach with Britain an agreement confining the action of aircraft to battle zones… Retaliation was certain if we carried the war into Germany… there was a reasonable possibility that our capital and industrial centres would not have been attacked if we had continued to refrain from attacking those of Germany… We began to bomb objectives on the German mainland before the Germans began to bomb objectives on the British mainland… Because we were doubtful about the psychological effect of propagandist distortion of the truth that it was we who started the strategic bombing offensive, we have shrunk from giving our great decision of May 11th, 1940, the publicity it deserves.’ J.M. Spaight, CB, CBE, Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry, Bombing Vindicated.

VIDEO: Hitler responds to Churchill’s decision to target civilians.

‘The attack on the Ruhr was therefore an informal invitation to the Luftwaffe to bomb London. The primary purpose of these raids was to goad the Germans into undertaking reprisal raids of a similar character on Britain. Such raids would arouse intense indignation in Britain against Germany and so create a war psychosis without which it would be impossible to carry on a modern war.’ The Royal Air Force, 1939-1945, The Fight at Odds, p. 122. Dennis Richards, Her Majesty’s Stationery Office.

High Street, Düren, June 1946. Shown is Victor Gollancz

The Most Uncivilized Form of Warfare

The eminent British war historian and strategist Captain Sir Basil Liddell Hart declared that by this strategy victory had been achieved “through practising the most uncivilised means of warfare that the world had known since the Mongol invasions” (The Evolution of Warfare. 1946, p. 75).It was “absolutely contrary to international law” (Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain).

‘The inhabitants of Coventry, for example, continued to imagine that their sufferings were due to the innate villainy of Adolf Hitler without a suspicion that a decision, splendid or otherwise, of the British War Cabinet, was the decisive factor in the case.’ F.J.P. Veale, Advance to Barbarism, p.

Düren, 1946

Slaying in the Name of the Lord

‘I am in full agreement [with terror bombing]. I am all for the bombing of working class areas in German cities. I am a Cromwellian ­ I believe in “slaying in the name of the Lord!”‘ Sir Archibald Sinclair, Secretary for Air.

Hamburg, 1946

Industrial Workers, Wives and Children targeted

‘They [the British Air Chiefs] argued that the desired result, of reducing German industrial production, would be more readily achieved if the homes of the workers in the factories were destroyed; if the workers were kept busy arranging for the burial of their wives and children, output might reasonably be expected to fall… It was concentrated on working class houses because, as Professor Lindemann maintained, a higher percentage of bloodshed per ton of explosives dropped could be expected from bombing houses built close together, rather than by bombing higher class houses surrounded by gardens.’ Advance to Barbarism, F.J.P. Veale.

Hamburg, 1946

So cowardly it had to be hidden

‘One of the most unhealthy features of the bombing offensive was that the War Cabinet ­ and in particular the Secretary for Air, Archibald Sinclair (now Lord Thurso), felt it necessary to repudiate publicly the orders which they themselves had given to Bomber Command.’ R.H.S. Crossman, MP, Labour Minister of Housing. Sunday Telegraph, 1 October 1961.

By weight, more bombs were dropped on the city of Berlin than were released on the whole of Great Britain during the entire war.

All German towns and cities above 50,000 population were from 50% to 80% destroyed. Hamburg was totally destroyed and 70,000 civilians died in the most appalling circumstances whilst Cologne was likewise turned into a moon-scape. As Hamburg burned the winds feeding the three mile high flames reached twice hurricane speed to exceed 150 miles per hour. Trees three feet in diameter on the outskirts of the city were sucked from the ground by the supernatural forces of these winds and hurled miles into the city-inferno, as were vehicles, men, women and children.

‘What we want to do in addition to the horrors of fire is to bring the masonry crashing down on the Boche, to kill Boche and to terrify Boche’ ‘Bomber’ Butch Harris, quoted in the Sunday Times, 10 January 1993.

Hamburg, 1946

Dresden: Children machine-gunned

The strafing of columns of refugees by both American and British fighter planes was par for the course: “it is said that these [zoo] animals and terrified groups of refugees were machine-gunned as they tried to escape across the Grosser Garten by low-flying planes and that many bodies riddled by bullets were found later in this park” (Der Tod von Dresden, Axel Rodenberger, 25 February 1951). In Dresden, “even the huddled remnants of a children’s’ choir were machine-gunned in a street bordering a park” (David Irving, The Destruction of Dresden). “I think we shall live to rue the day we did this, and that it [the bombing of Dresden] will stand for all time as a blot on our escutcheon” (Richard Stokes, M.P.).

‘… the long suppressed story of the worst massacre in the history of the world. The devastation of Dresden in February, 1945, was one of those crimes against humanity whose authors would have been arraigned at Nuremberg if that court had not been perverted. Rt. Hon. Richard. H.S. Crossman, MP, Labour Government Minister.

Firestorm of Hamburg

‘Its horror is revealed in the howling and raging of the firestorms, the hellish noise of exploding bombs and the death cries of martyred human beings as well as the big silence after the raids. Speech is impotent to portray the measure of the horror, which shook the people for ten days and nights and the traces of which were written indelibly on the face of the city and its inhabitants. No flight of imagination will ever succeed in measuring and describing the gruesome scenes of horror in the many buried air shelters. Posterity can only bow its head in honour of the fate of these innocents, sacrificed by the murderous lust of a sadistic enemy.’ The Police President of Hamburg.

Hamburg, 1946

Hamburg, 1946

‘Three-hundred times as many people died in Hamburg during the ten-day blitz as died in Coventry during the entire course of the war… Not even Hiroshima and Nagasaki, suffering the smashing blows of nuclear explosions, could match the utter hell of Hamburg.’ Martin Caidin, The Night Hamburg Died, Ballantyne Books, NY, 1960.

The Children

‘Of the children these dreadful nights, what can be said? Their fright became horror and then panic when their tiny minds became capable of grasping the fact that their parents could no longer help them in their distress. They lost their reason and an overwhelming terror took over. Their world had become the shrieking centre of an erupting volcano from which there could be no physical escape. Nothing that hell offered could be feared more. ‘By the hand of man they became creatures, human in form but not in mind. Strangled noises hissed from them as they staggered pitifully through the streets in which tar and asphalt ran as streams. Some of these tiny creatures ran several hundred feet. Others managed only twenty, maybe ten feet. Their shoes caught fire and then their feet. The lower parts of their legs became flickering sticks of flame. Here were Joans of Arcs… thousands of them. All who had perished unjustly on the fires of the Middle Ages were as nothing when compared with what was happening that night. ‘The sounds of many were unintelligible and undoubtedly many more called for their parents from whom they were parted by death or by accident. They grasped their tortured limbs, their tiny burning legs until they were no longer able to stand or run. And then they would crash to the ground where they would writhe in the bubbling tar until death released them from their physical misery.’ Martin Caidin.

Phosphorous, Used Contrary to “International Law”

‘Men, women and children too, ran hysterically, falling and stumbling, getting up, tripping and falling again, rolling over and over. Most of them managed to regain their feet and made it to the water. But many of them never made it and were left behind, their feet drumming in blinding pain on the overheated pavements amidst the rubble, until there came one last convulsing shudder from the smoking “thing” on the ground, and then no further movement.’ Martin Caidin, The Night Hamburg Died.

‘Phosphorous burns were not infrequent.’ U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey.

‘Phosphorous was used “because of its demonstrated ability to depress the morale of the Germans.”‘ Official British source.

‘Even the senseless and highly culture-destroying terror acts, against for example, Lubeck and Dresden, carried out by the Allied pilots, should have been investigated and brought before a proper court of justice.’ Major General H. Bratt, Royal Swedish Army.*

‘A nation which spreads over another a sheet of inevitably deadly gases or eradicates entire cities from the earth by the explosion of atomic bombs, does not have the right to judge anyone for war crimes; it has already committed the greatest atrocity equal to no other atrocity; it has killed ­ amidst unspeakable torments ­ hundreds of thousands of innocent people.’ Hon. Lydio Machado Bandeira de Mello, Professor of Criminal Law; author of more than 40 works on law/philosophy.*

‘As for crimes against humanity, those governments which ordered the destruction of German cities, thereby destroying irreplaceable cultural values and making burning torches out of women and children, should also have stood before the bar of justice.’ Hon. Jaan Lattik. Estonian statesman, diplomat and historian.*

Hamburg, 1946



The remains of German town of Wesel after intensive allied area bombing in 1945 (destruction rate 98% of all buildings)
This article is excerpted from Michael Walsh, Witness to History, Historical Review Press 1996.
Edited, with additions marked * by the “National Journal”.
Photographs from Victor Gollancz,
In Darkest Germany, Victor Gollancz Ltd, London 1947.

Re-posted from

Now meet the fiendish, diabolical Mad Doctor and Architect of these British War Crimes: Dr. Frederick Lindemann  aka “Bloody Red Baron” Cherwell.

Frederick  Lindemann

Wikipedia tells us:

Frederick Alexander Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell FRS PC CH (5 April 1886 – 3 July 1957) was an English physicist and an influential scientific adviser to the British government in the early 1940s and early 1950s, particularly to Winston Churchill. He advocated the “area” bombing of German cities during World War II and doubted the sophistication of Nazi Germany’s radar technology[3] and the existence of its “V” weapons programme.

Lindemann was the second of three sons of Adolphus Frederick Lindemann, who had emigrated to the United Kingdom circa 1871[4] and become naturalised.[5] Frederick was born in Baden-Baden in Germany where his American mother Olga Noble, the widow of a wealthy banker, was taking “the cure”.

After schooling in Scotland and Darmstadt, he attended the University of Berlin. He did research in physics at the Sorbonne that confirmed theories, first put forward by Albert Einstein, on specific heats at very low temperatures.[2] For this and other scientific work, Lindemann was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1920.[6]

In 1911 he was invited to the Solvay Conference on “Radiation and the Quanta” where he was the youngest attendee.

Lindemann was a teetotaler, non-smoker, and a vegetarian, although Churchill would sometimes induce him to take a glass of brandy. He was an excellent pianist, and sufficiently able as a tennis player to compete at Wimbledon.[7]

World War I and Oxford University

At the outbreak of World War I, Lindemann was playing tennis in Germany and had to leave in haste to avoid internment. In 1915, he joined the staff of the Royal Aircraft Factory at Farnborough. He developed a mathematical theory of aircraft spin recovery, and later learned to fly so that he could test his ideas himself.[1] Prior to Lindemann’s work, a spinning aircraft was almost invariably fatal.

In 1919 Lindemann was appointed professor of experimental philosophy at Oxford University and director of the Clarendon Laboratory, largely on the recommendation of Henry Tizard who had been a colleague in Berlin.[2] In 1919, Lindemann was one of the first people to suggest that in the solar wind particles of both polarities, protons as well as electrons, come from the Sun.[8] He was probably not aware that Kristian Birkeland had made the same prediction three years earlier in 1916.

In 1921 Churchill’s wife Clementine partnered with Lindemann for a charity tennis match. Although the two men had very different lifestyles, they both excelled at a sport (Churchill’s was polo), and Lindemann’s ability to explain scientific issues concisely, and his excellent flying skills, probably impressed Churchill, who had given up trying to earn a pilot’s license because of Clementine’s concern. They became close friends, with the bachelor visiting Chartwell more than 100 times from 1925 to 1939.[9] Lindemann opposed the UK General Strike of 1926 and mobilised the reluctant staff of the Clarendon to produce copies of Churchill’s anti-strike newspaper, the British Gazette. He was also alarmed and fearful of political developments in Germany.[2] In the 1930s, Lindemann advised Winston Churchill when the latter was out of Government, and leading a campaign for rearmament. Lindemann also helped a number of German Jewish physicists, primarily at the University of Göttingen, to emigrate to England to work in the Clarendon Laboratory.[1]

Churchill got Lindemann onto the “Committee for the Study of Aerial Defence” which under Sir Henry Tizard was putting its resources behind the development of radar. Lindemann’s presence was disruptive, insisting instead that his own ideas of aerial mines and infra-red beams be given priority over radar. To resolve the situation the committee dissolved itself and reformed as a new body without Lindemann.[10]

World War II

When Churchill became Prime Minister, he appointed Lindemann as the British government’s leading scientific adviser, with David Bensusan-Butt as his private secretary.[11] He would hold this office again in Churchill’s peacetime administration (1951-3[12]). At this point Lindemann was known to many simply as “the Prof”.[2]

Lindemann established a special statistical branch, known as ‘S-Branch’, within the government, constituted from subject specialists, and reporting directly to Churchill. This branch distilled thousands of sources of data into succinct charts and figures, so that the status of the nation’s food supplies (for example) could be instantly evaluated. Lindemann’s statistical branch often caused tensions between government departments, but because it allowed Churchill to make quick decisions based on accurate data which directly affected the war effort, its importance should not be underestimated.[2]

In 1940, Lindemann supported the experimental department MD1.[1][13] He worked on hollow charge weapons, the sticky bomb and other new weapons. General Ismay, who supervised MD1, recalled:

Churchill used to say that the Prof’s brain was a beautiful piece of mechanism, and the Prof did not dissent from that judgement. He seemed to have a poor opinion of the intellect of everyone with the exception of Lord Birkenhead, Mr Churchill and Professor Lindemann; and he had a special contempt for the bureaucrat and all his ways. The Ministry of Supply and the Ordnance Board were two of his pet aversions, and he derived a great deal of pleasure from forestalling them with new inventions. In his appointment as Personal Assistant to the Prime Minister no field of activity was closed to him. He was as obstinate as a mule, and unwilling to admit that there was any problem under the sun which he was not qualified to solve. He would write a memorandum on high strategy one day, and a thesis on egg production on the next. He seemed to try to give the impression of wanting to quarrel with everybody, and of preferring everyone’s room to their company; but once he had accepted a man as a friend, he never failed him, and there are many of his war-time colleagues who will ever remember him with deep personal affection. He hated Hitler and all his works, and his contribution to Hitler’s downfall in all sorts of odd ways was considerable.[14]

With power, Cherwell was able to sideline Tizard; especially after Tizard did not acknowledge that the Germans were using radio navigation to bomb Britain.

Lindemann wished to limit Germany’s ability to re-arm, and was an enthusiastic backer of the Morgenthau Plan, under which Germany would be partitioned and de-industrialised. [Edit: “genocided!”] In wartime Germany, Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels presented the plan as Jewish manipulation of Allied policy, and so was able to use the plan to bolster the German resistance on the Western front.[15]

Lindemann has been described as having “an almost pathological hatred for Nazi Germany, and an almost medieval desire for revenge was a part of his character”.[16]

Strategic bombing during World War II

Following the Air Ministry Area bombing directive on 12 February 1942, Lindemann presented in a paper on “Dehousing” to Churchill on 30 March 1942, which calculated the effects of area bombardment by a massive bomber force of German cities to break the spirit of the people.[17]

His proposal that “bombing must be directed to working class houses. Middle class houses have too much space round them, so are bound to waste bombs” changed accepted conventions of limiting civilian casualties in wartime.”[citation needed]

His dehousing paper was criticised by many other scientific minds in government service who felt such a force would be a waste of resources.[18] Cherwell’s paper was based on the false premise that bombing could cause a breakdown in society[19] but was used in support of Bomber Command’s claim for resources.

Lindemann also played a key part in the battle of the beams, championing countermeasures to the Germans use of radio navigation to increase the precision of their bombing campaigns.[2]


In July 1941 Lindemann was raised to the peerage as Baron Cherwell, of Oxford in the County of Oxford.[23] The following year he was made Paymaster-General by Churchill, an office he retained until 1945. In 1943 he was also sworn of the Privy Council.[24] He enthusiastically supported the controversial Morgenthau Plan, which Churchill subsequently endorsed on 15 September 1944.[25] When Churchill returned as Prime Minister in 1951, Lord Cherwell was once again appointed Paymaster-General, this time with a seat in the cabinet. He continued in this post until 1953.[24] In 1956 he was made Viscount Cherwell, of Oxford in the County of Oxford.[26],_1st_Viscount_Cherwell

What does Wikipedia fail to tell us on the main Lindemann page ?

Well, they accuse Joseph Goebbels of propaganda, insinuating that he was lying: “Joseph Goebbels presented the plan as Jewish manipulation of Allied policy”.

Well, was Goebbels lying?

Lindemann was a Jew!  (as was Morgenthau).

Wikipedia buried this info but his name appears on the following page:

His name is listed on the above page under “Peers” and it states:

Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell,[22] scientist and Government minister

Clicking on the 22 reference takes you to:

Jewish Science and Technology Books, accessed 20 Feb 2007

Which, when you click on to that link, it leads to:

…where the reference has now suspiciously been deleted and you are presented wih the following:

404 Not Found”   …very convenient.

Nonetheless another informative page about Lindemann can be found here at NNDB Database along with his family ancestry.

Just the fact that I mention that this man is a Jew (or is identified as such), will cause a certain ignorant element in society to accuse  me of being “anti-Semitic”?  Of course, they have no idea what that word even means, but their Pavlovian conditioning will kick in and alarm bells will be sounding in their little minds. They will forget all of the above info and facts in this article and ask “are you a racist”?

The real questions, however, which should be asked are:

WHY was the Jew Lindemann and anti-Germanic? Why did he HATE Germans?

WHY were Churchill and Lindemann not charged with waging an “Aggressive War”, based upon racial hatred?

WHY were  these obvious genocidal WAR CRIMINALS allowed to escape justice??

WHY has NO ONE on the allied side ever been held to account for these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY???

Herein lies the answer:

“History is written by the victors.” – Winston Churchill

“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” ― Winston Churchill

“Men stumble over the truth from time to time, but most pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing happened” – Winston Churchill

I pray that you are not one of those who has stumbled upon this and will hurry off and forget it, but that you will be outraged for not having been told this history before,  disgusted by your government, media, education system, and Hollywood for the propaganda that you have been fed a steady diet of all of your life.

I hope that you will continue to research these issues and to challenge all of the lies of the past,  as well as,  all those with which we are being presented with even today, to justify bogus and senseless wars in which such atrocities are also being committed in our names.

And finally, I hope that you too will join me in demanding accountability and Justice for Germans!

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