Trafficking in children is a global problem affecting large numbers of children. Some estimates have as many as 1.2 million children being trafficked every year. There is a demand for trafficked children as cheap labour or for sexual exploitation. Children and their families are often unaware of the dangers of trafficking, believing that better employment and lives lie in other countries.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Just Who Are The Real Terrorists?

Just Who Are The Real Terrorists?

For seven consecutive presidential administrations (since Bush, Sr. invaded Kuwait–2016 will make it 28 years), the American people have been told that they are at war with terrorists. Republican and Democrat administrations and congresses alike have built America’s entire foreign policy around this hypothesis. Trillions of taxpayer dollars have been spent. Thousands of American troops have lost their lives. And tens of thousands have been wounded–many of them seriously. Plus, hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in the Middle East have lost their lives to America’s “war on terror.”

In the name of the “war on terror,” the people of the United States have become the most spied upon and surveilled people in world history. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Justice, and Pentagon have constructed the most elaborate domestic spy machine known to man. We are told that all of this is helping to keep America “safe.” We are told the same thing about our incessant drone attacks, the thousands of sorties conducted by our military aircraft, and our never-ending wars of aggression in the Middle East.

First, we were told the terrorists were Al Qaeda and the Taliban. We invaded two countries to rid the world of these sand people. But after years of war by the most powerful and sophisticated military might in the world (the U.S. military), Al Qaeda and the Taliban are still with us–stronger than ever. Then we were told the terrorists were ISIS. Supposedly, Barack Obama has been at war with these sand people ever since he took office. But all that has happened is ISIS has gotten stronger and stronger. Surely, any rational person should be able to see through this façade.


The truth is the United States is not at war with ISIS; the United States helped to create and continues to fund and support ISIS. America’s so-called war against ISIS is a total farce. The U.S. government in Washington, D.C., has used ISIS to fight a proxy war against Syria on behalf of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel–not to mention the globalist puppetmasters. Outside of the United States, virtually the entire world knows it. But, you see, America has the most sophisticated propaganda machine ever known to man: the national news media.

The entire national press corps in this country (with FOX News at the front of the pack) constantly promotes the drumbeat of war by regurgitating government-sponsored talking points and “intelligence,” never bothering to investigate or question the veracity of the government’s assertions. Joseph Goebbels could only have dreamed of such an efficient propaganda ministry.

Joining the national news media are millions of evangelical Christians such as John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Hal Lindsey, et al., who use the doctrine of Christian Zionism to also pound the drumbeat of war.

See this report:

Christian Zionism: The New Heresy That Undermines Middle East Peace

Yet, by supporting Islamic terror groups such as ISIS, what U.S. foreign policy (with the support of the national news media and Hagee-type evangelicals) is actually doing is assisting the most violent and barbaric stripe of Islam. ISIS is nothing more than the resident terror group of Saudi Arabia’s Sunni Muslim empire. Without any risk of being hyperbolic, Saudi Arabia is one of the most barbarous terror-nations in the entire world. Yet, the U.S. government considers Saudi Arabia to be one of its closest allies. And that’s the problem: it is.

By far, the richest man in the world is Saudi Arabia’s King Salman. To give you an idea of how wealthy this Sunni Muslim is, billionaires such as Bill Gates, Carlos Slim, and Warren Buffet are only 1/20th to 1/50th as rich as he is. And, as you can imagine, Salman is joined at the hip to the most powerful and wealthiest international bankers in the world, such as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds–and giant oil companies such as Chevron and Standard Oil.


And in the Sunni Muslim mind of King Salman, the greatest enemy is Shia Muslims which are predominantly located in countries such as Syria, Iran, and Yemen. It is Saudi Arabia (assisted by its allies in the United States, Turkey, and Israel) that is the chief sponsor of terrorism in the Middle East. This is why the so-called “war on terror” by the United States is such a joke. Ever since the administration of George H.W. Bush, the White House has been in the pocket of petro-dollar billionaires around the world–with the king of Saudi Arabia being the Cock-A-Doodle-Do of them all.

See this report:

The Saudi Dynasty, Key U.S. Ally, Tops The World In Barbarism

I’m sure everyone readily remembers seeing news video of those caravans of Toyota pickup trucks with ISIS flags waving proudly atop them. Well, guess what! Those Toyota pickup trucks were supplied by the United States. Just another reason why the greatest military force in the world was unable to locate and destroy these trucks (and the terrorists riding in them) as they crawled along the Middle Eastern desert. Again, what a crock!

See the report:

The U.S. Government Supplied ISIS’ Iconic Pickup Trucks

No wonder Iraqi Commander Hassan al-Sari said that Vladimir Putin’s Russian coalition “is fighting against the ISIL on behalf of the whole world” while the US had played no role in the recent victories against the terrorists.

Here is the report:

Commander: Russian Coalition ‘Fighting ISIL On Behalf Of The Whole World’

Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan, Paul Craig Roberts, was more than blunt in his praise of Putin’s genuine war against the Sunni terrorists in Syria, while denouncing in no uncertain terms the phony war on terror in Washington, D.C. He writes, “The distinguished and knowledgeable international commentator William Engdahl, in a superb statement, has expressed the view I gave you that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech on September 28 at the 70th anniversary of the United Nations changed the balance of power in the world. Until Putin’s speech the world was intimidated by the Washington Bully. Resistance to Washington brought swift retribution. In the Middle East and Africa it brought economic sanctions and military invasions that destroyed entire countries. In France and other US vassal states it brought multi-billion dollar confiscations of bank net worth as the price of not following Washington’s policies toward other countries.”

Roberts continues: “President Putin of Russia brought all that to end on September 28. He stood up before the world in the presence of the overflowing hubris of the hegemon and belled the cat.

“Putin denounced Washington’s threat to the sovereignty, and thereby the freedom, of peoples and countries. He denounced the heartless criminality of Washington’s destruction of the lives of millions of peoples on the basis of nothing other than Washington’s own arrogance. He denounced the illegality of Washington’s assaults on the sovereignty of other peoples, and declared that Russia can no longer tolerate this state of affairs in the world.

“Two days later he took over the war in Syria and began exterminating the Washington financed and equipped Islamic State. Cruise missiles launched from the Caspian Sea hit ISIL targets with pinpoint accuracy and showed Washington’s EU vassals that Washington’s ABM system could not protect them if Europe permitted Washington to force Europe into conflict with Russia.

“Washington’s response was more lies: ‘the missiles hit Iran,’ said the idiots in Washington. The entire world laughed at the lie. Washington, some said, is whistling past its empire’s own graveyard.”

Roberts goes on: “This is a sea change. It will affect the behavior of every government. Even some of the craven vassals states, whose ‘leaders’ are bought-and-paid-for, will move toward a more independent foreign policy.

“The remaining danger is the crazed American neoconservatives. I know many of them. They are completely insane ideologues. This inhuman filth has controlled the foreign policy of every US government since Clinton’s second term. They are a danger to all life on earth. Look at the destruction they have wreaked in the former Yugoslavia, in Ukraine, in Georgia and South Ossetia, in Africa, in Afghanistan and the Middle East. The American people were too brainwashed by lies and by political impotence to do anything about it, and Washington’s vassals in Europe, UK, Canada, Australia, and Japan had to pretend that this policy of international murder was ‘bringing freedom and democracy.’

“The crazed filth that controls US foreign policy is capable of defending US hegemony with nuclear weapons. The neoconservatives must be removed from power, arrested, and put on international trial for their horrendous war crimes before they defend their hegemony with Armageddon.

“Neoconservatives and their allies in the military/security complex make audacious use of false flag attacks. These evil people are capable of orchestrating a false flag attack that propels the US and Russia to war.”

See Roberts’ column here:

The Fall Of The Unipower

Plus, Christians around the world (especially in the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Eastern Europe) are not hypnotized by Christian Zionists such as John Hagee. Here is a sample of the numerous pieces of communication that I often receive from Christians in these regions:

“I grew up in an Evangelical pastor’s house in Nigeria, reading the fallacies of Mr. Scofield’s ‘Bible’ teaching the false doctrines of dispensations. By the Grace of God I know better now.

“The current State of Israel is a nation based on the accursed Talmudic doctrines of the Pharisees [exactly right].”

This Middle Eastern Christian goes on to say, “Vladimir Putin is a man of God, who knows these people and their hate for our Lord Jesus and for Christians.

“God forbid those Obama-and-Netanyahu-rented bearded barbarians called ‘moderate rebels,’ Al Nustra, Al Qaeda, and ISIS enter the city of Damascus! Our Christian brothers and sisters would all be annihilated, raped, and forcefully converted to Islam, with the support of USA, NATO, and Israel.”

(Name and location withheld by this author)

Go outside the westernized Christian world, and the believers that I have communicated with almost universally echo the Christian man’s sentiments above. Then again, they have not been indoctrinated by the teachings of dispensationalism and Christian Zionism.

Have American Christians not noticed that ISIS doesn’t attack Israel? Gee. I wonder why not. If ISIS is the mortal enemy of Israel, why don’t we hear about these terrorists attacking Israel? In truth, Israel is often a safe haven for ISIS terrorists, providing supplies and medical care for wounded ISIS warriors. Again, the Israeli Mossad, along with America’s CIA, and Saudi Arabia’s special forces helped create–and continue to maintain–ISIS.

The “crazed American neoconservatives” that Paul Craig Roberts refers to would be impotent without the massive support they receive from evangelical Christians throughout the United States. Pray tell, what will these Christians in America say to their brothers and sisters in Christ from Iraq, Syria, Palestine, etc., when they stand side-by-side at the judgment bar of God? It is the massive support for war in the Middle East by evangelical Christians in the United States that is forcing our brothers and sisters in Christ there into exile, causing increased persecution and torture among them, and killing thousands and thousands of them. Not to mention the torture and martyrdom of our Christian friends in the home of America’s great “ally,” Saudi Arabia. That is a future scene I shudder to think about!

There is a war on terror going on alright; but just who are the real terrorists?

P.S. I am pleased to announce that James Jaeger’s brand new film, “Midnight Ride: When Rogue Politicians Call For Martial Law” will be premiered on Friday, November 6, 2015, from 6pm through 11pm Mountain Time. Distinguished luminaries such as Pat Buchanan, Larry Pratt, Ron Paul, G. Edward Griffin, Sheriff Richard Mack, Stewart Rhodes, Edwin Vieira, Jr., and several others are featured in this film. I am honored to also be featured.

I invite readers to go to my website on Friday evening, November 6, and watch the premiere of this outstanding film. And please tell your friends. DVDs of the film will also be available the night of the premiere via my website. Watch the film here:

Midnight Ride: When Rogue Politicians Call For Martial Law

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