Sunday, January 17, 2016

Former MI5 officer sparks outrage claiming Paris terror strikes were 'inside job not ISIS'

Former MI5 officer sparks outrage claiming Paris terror strikes were 'inside job not ISIS'

A FORMER British spy has sparked outrage after claiming the Paris terror attacks were an "inside job" and not carried out by Islamic State (ISIS).

Everyone knows it is the West doing this. Operation Gladio has been in effect for 65 years by now. Within the government, the military, the intelligence agencies, Hollywood, media, and business people are awake and are whistle-blowing more and more. It is the West. 2016 will be crazy.

David Shayler, 49, has released a video on YouTube claiming there is "much evidence" that jihadis were not behind the atrocities which left 130 people dead in the French capital.

The former MI5 officer instead claimed "dark forces" linked to western intelligence services were behind the attacks on November 13.

Several years before Edward Snowden left the US National Security Agency (NSA) in 2013 and leaked confidential details of its spying techniques to the press in, Mr Shayler resigned from MI5 after five years working there in 1996.

He then leaked a series of details about MI5 operations, including claims MI6 was involved in a February 1996 failed assassination of former Libyan dictator Colonel Gaddafi.

He also claimed the 1993 Bishopsgate and 1994 Israeli Embassy bombings were known to the intelligence services in advance of being carried out and could have been prevented.

After leaking details to the Mail on Sunday in 1997, he fled to Utrecht in the Netherlands and later France, where he spent two years from 1998 to 2000 living in Boulevard Voltaire, where the Bataclan Theatre - the scene of the worst atrocity of the day took place, according to his video.

He said: "I think there is some dark design in the pattern of the attacks that took place in Paris on Friday, November 13.

"Once again it has been blamed on ISIS, but it appears to bear all the hallmarks of a Gladio-style operation."

Operation Gladio was the codename for a clandestine NATO operation in Italy during the Cold War to prepare for and carry out armed resistance there in the event of a Warsaw Pact invasion and conquest.

Claims that alleged terrorist attacks in Italy during the cold war were actually carried out by secret NATO officers have been subject to parliamentary inquiries in Switzerland and Belgium.

Mr Shayler even incredibly suggested in his video that the two-hour siege by French police in the wake of the attacks had been staged, saying there was little footage posted to social media.

David Taylor in still from his video when he also ranted about the Queen and UK common law
He said: "They left ID. They would have been highly trained not to leave ID, so anyone who believes that has got to be pretty gullible."

Since his leaks to the press, the former spook went on to become a some-times cross dresser and made more and more outlandish claims, including that he is a reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

In fact, he made the claims in a video called "Shayler the Christ speaks to the Nation" and declared that all four attack sites had been his former haunts.

He went on to make the even more staggering claim that the sites were chosen because of his former residence there, saying a cross between them centred on his former flat.

He said: "Did they deliberately plan to hit those places to map out over Parsi a cross that would pass over where I used to live…to scare me.

David Shayler in 2001 at the height of media storm surrounding his whistleblowing

A Map in Shayler's video which he claims shows attack sites were linked to his former home
"Now people might find that fanciful and egotistical, but I think that is a perfectly valid interpretation of the data that we have."

But, alarmingly, he is not alone in his staggering allegation about the Paris terror strikes, with several conspiracy theory websites pedalling similar claims of them being an inside job.

A number of people have posted online that they agree with the crack pot theories.

But many others are appalled at the suggestions.

One poster, calling themselves C Breezy, wrote in response to the claims on "Don't even bother attempting to reason with these conspiracy theorists… who can't wrap their heads around the fact that there ARE outside forces targeting the West.

"They will never believe any official story because they're so desperate for this inside job nonsense to be true. Sad cases."

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