Trafficking in children is a global problem affecting large numbers of children. Some estimates have as many as 1.2 million children being trafficked every year. There is a demand for trafficked children as cheap labour or for sexual exploitation. Children and their families are often unaware of the dangers of trafficking, believing that better employment and lives lie in other countries.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

‘What Women Don’t Say’ finds a new target audience, men who need to change.

‘What Women Don’t Say’ finds a new target audience, men who need to change.

Now I have a voice

As the soap's team celebrates its success and survival, it also finds a new target audience, men who need to change.

Soapbox Mexico goes behind the scenes of one of Mexico's longest running and most popular telenovelas which promotes women's rights and positive social change: What Women Don't Say .
Sexual abuse victim Vicky returns to be interviewed for the soap's 13th anniversary celebrations, and to join in Alicia's personal, unconventional triumph.
As preparations for the celebrations get under way, including a photo shoot with popular actresses and interviews with the press, Vicky arrives to be interviewed by a famous actress.
Alicia and Laura are also as busy as ever. Ironically, on set, the soap is about the dangers of high-flying women becoming workaholics.
Meanwhile, when at home with her daughter, Alicia continues to surprise with her independent spirit and unconventional style of motherhood. The balance between work and family in real life is a far richer, less cliched picture than the one playing out on set.
The interview with Vicky is not only a triumphant vindication of the soap, and Alicia's vision, but forms part of Vicky's healing process. The team gathers at the anniversary party to celebrate their survival - and success.
The famous actress who interviewed Vicky tells the press the soap will have a new target audience from now on: men - because they are the ones who most need it now, to change.

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