Trafficking in children is a global problem affecting large numbers of children. Some estimates have as many as 1.2 million children being trafficked every year. There is a demand for trafficked children as cheap labour or for sexual exploitation. Children and their families are often unaware of the dangers of trafficking, believing that better employment and lives lie in other countries.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ekawaaz – One Voice – Many Issues : News Views and Reviews.

Incredible India: A land of Broken Laws, Religion hypocrisy, Gutter politics and Bigger contradiction. Our beaurocracy is one of the worst in world so no wonder when we discover that underneath of Incredible India most of population lives under the poverty line, women exploitation and sex slavery is still exists and is on rise. Yes officially it is illegal but unofficially this crime is going on and no one really bothers to put a full stop on it.
I just can’t put blame on government; even as citizen we don’t do anything about it. Everyone here is too busy in their own materialistic life that they don’t have time to raise their voices about wrong doing of society and government. So much happen every day and that also just around the corner of our homes but we never ever bothered to raise our finger. Our attitude “Sab chalta Hai” (everything is ok) is letting India down and putting our image at stake.
While doing some other work and looking for some other video, I can across with this report of Channel 4 and to be honest I was shocked and disgust to see how the hell this type of force sex slavery is still going on and people involved in are not getting caught? What’s wrong with our system? We want it all, we want to be super power but unfortunately we are not able to protect these kids from this sex slavery trade. God save Indian Kids!
Can’t we stop this shame? This is not a God made situation, this is a Man made mess for their own sexual pleasure. Our governments do little or nothing to put full stop but as a citizen we are not even bothered to do anything about it.

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