America in the era of late stage disaster statism is a society founded on forms
of slavery, including especially race slavery. It's right before our eyes and the
tax predator ruling class pretends it does not exist, with a window dressing of
welfare bennies, affirmative action, and a beige Nixon in the White House.
Yet our political system, our campaigns, and at least one of our major parties,
the Democrats, our founded on and funded by the selling of black children, and
other poor and minority children, to educrats who in turn give campaign
contributions to the Democratic Party. These educrat cartels (perversely
labelled "unions" in an outrage against the history of the American working
class) imprison black kids in mind-killing brick warehouses from which they
emerge 12 years later too often illiterate and unemployable, wards of the state
and cannon fodder for politicians for the rest of their lives.
Some of these kids liberate themselves, as an increasingly large number
never finish high school. A few lucky ones live somewhere where vouchers,
charters, home schooling, or a benefactor, give them some freedom to attend
an alternative school.
As the decades have passed and funding for state education has increased
and federal control and intervention of all education has intensified, a reaction
has begun among the poor and urban families. They have begun to demand
charters and other liberalizations of the state monopoly, an education tea
party brewing from below and from people of color. Stong black tea.
The ruling class has to find some way to fight this. It's hold on power depends
on limiting political choices through ballot access, incumbency, and control of
campaign financing. And selling black kids to educrat cartels is an important
piece of the latter.
And so they have appealed to an "authority," Diane Ravitch, to counter the
authority of reformers like educrat-cartel-ousted, former DC public school
superintendent, Michelle Rhee.
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