Monday, September 27, 2010

Women Nobel Peace Laureates to Lead Delegation to Israel and Palestine by sabina

Women Nobel Peace Laureates to Lead Delegation to Israel and Palestine by sabina

The ‘settlement freeze’—or moratorium on new building of Israeli homes in Palestinian territory—is set to expire on September 30.  This is adding increased tensions to the already fraught peace talks being hosted by the United States.

The Palestinians are threatening to leave the peace talks if the freeze is not extended, and the Netanyahu government is giving no indication of what it plans to do.

Those are the stories in the headlines.  Meanwhile, women activists on the ground in Israel and Palestine continue their tireless work every day to bring peace and ensure justice in the region.

From September 28 to October 5, Nobel Peace Laureates Mairead Maguire (Ireland) and Jody Williams (USA) are leading a delegation of women to visit the region to bear witness to the struggles of the women working on the ground in the region to build a sustainable peace. They will be focused on hearing the perspectives of women on both sides of the conflict and providing opportunities for people to come together.

The delegation aims to spotlight their creativity, inspiring work, and strategies for change in the region. “This is a critical moment in Israel right now,” said Williams.  “The peace talks and the settlement issue are front and center—there is an opportunity to make real progress on ending this long conflict.  We want to lift the voices of those saying that peace is possible.”

The delegation will be visiting Jerusalem, Haifa, Nazereth, Ramallah, Hebron, and Bil’in.  Delegates will be meeting with women activists, policy makers and women’s leaders, filmmakers, members of the Knesset, women from the military—among others.

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