Monday, September 27, 2010

Vaccine against four dengue strains to go on trial, Deccan Cronicle.

Vaccine against four dengue strains to go on trial, Deccan Cronicle.

Sydney: Researchers are about to try out a new vaccine to protect against all four strains of the potentially devastating dengue fever.
The study is being conducted by the Vaccine Trials Group at the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research with Princess Margaret Hospital for Children and University of Western Australia School of Paediatrics and Child Health.
The dengue virus can cause fever, often with a severe headache, vomiting, muscle and joint pains and skin rash. It can cause more severe symptoms and can be fatal, mainly in children, according to a statement said.
The study leader, associate professor, Mr Peter Richmond, of the University of Western Australia, said a vaccine against the mosquito-borne virus would be of great value to travellers.
Dengue fever is an increasing scourge in South East Asia..., Mr Richmond said. A safe and effective vaccine would be of great benefit to our region, and provide protection for Australians heading to these popular tourist destinations.
At the moment there is no licensed vaccine available to prevent dengue disease and no specific treatment exists, Richmond said. Controlling mosquito numbers is the only effective method of prevention at this time.

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