Monday, September 27, 2010

The Power of Positive Thinking and how to get Affirmations To Work For You by Karim Hajee

The Power of Positive Thinking and how to get Affirmations To Work For You by Karim Hajee

Positive thinking is a practice and it requires that you have a certain mental attitude. When you have a positive thinking mindset you automatically have positive thoughts and you continually recite positive affirmations. This process happens automatically.

When you have a positive thinking mindset you almost instantly find answers to even the most complex problems and challenges. Positive thinking is a mindset or attitude that is geared towards automatically expecting things to work out. A person with a Positive Thinking pattern in place expects, believes and trusts that things will always work out and they often do.

This is not to be confused with someone who simply says: “Think positive and everything will workout.” Such a person is does not have the proper positive thinking mindset in place. They are simply turning to positive thinking when things go wrong – and by then it’s too late, the damage has been done.

Someone who has a positive thinking mindset naturally thinks positive and always foresees happiness, good health, success, and a positive outcome to just about every situation and event that takes place. They also trust and know that they will make the right decision and the right choices. Since they expect it – their mind and subconscious mind find a way to make it happen. This is the power of having a positive thinking mindset.

Now I know that not everybody thinks that positive thinking works, and often these are the people who use the concept of positive thinking sporadically or when they need to get out of a jam. That’s not the way positive thinking worse as I just outlined, so if you try this approach don’t expect results.

There are also those who believe in positive thinking but don’t know how to properly apply it. These are the people who will say “Think Positive” when you’re down or when things aren’t going well. But the person hearing this phrase has no idea what they mean and so tries to apply it and doesn’t get the result they want.

What I am about to tell you here today
will change your life forever

My name is Karim Hajee and over the past 20 years I've been teaching people how to create the life they want by developing positive thinking patterns, working with powerful positive affirmations daily and how to direct the power of their mind and subconscious mind. I have worked with people all over the world and the results have been remarkable. I want you to enjoy the same success... and you can have the life you want and more... let me show you how...

You Have Incredible Powers
That Can Change Your Life!

So How do you develop Positive Thinking?

Before you can develop a positive thinking pattern you first have to realize that positive thinking is not something you do randomly. Positive thinking is a practice, one that you work with daily and apply regularly. By making it a daily habit you create a positive thinking mindset that allows you to avoid potentially negative and challenging situations, and helps you resolve dilemmas quickly and easily. With a positive thinking pattern in place you naturally enjoy a better, more rewarding life.

You will attract what you think about regularly.

So if you regularly think that life is difficult you will attract situations that will make your life difficult.

If you think that it’s difficult to make money, you will attract situations that make it difficult for you to make money or make poor decisions about money.

To have a positive thinking mindset you need to have positive thoughts, and they should be in your mind constantly.

The best way to get started is to change they way you think. So start paying close attention to what you think. Everyday catch yourself thinking, ask yourself – what am I thinking about?

Is this thought positive or negative?
Does it help me improve my life or does it make my life more difficult?

If the thought is not helpful, if it doesn’t allow you to succeed, if it doesn’t make your life more pleasant, if you find that the thought is going to attract what you don’t want then change it.

Create a thought that is positive and recite it regularly. These are better known as positive affirmations. I know some will say: “I’ve tried positive affirmations and got no results.”

Results with positive affirmations can vary. While they will help develop a positive thinking pattern it can take some time to see real results from reciting positive affirmations repeatedly. That’s because it depends on what you want and where you are in life.

For example: if you want to be a millionaire and you’re currently earning 30-thousand dollars a year, it will likely take some time to earn a million and you may not see results as quickly as you want. Why? Because your current mind is programmed to making just 30-thousand dollars a year. To make a million you have to change the way your mind and subconscious mind operate. Working with Positive Affirmations will help but you’ll have to do a lot more.

Another reason why positive affirmations don’t always create the results you want is because they are not phrased properly. To create a positive thinking mindset your positive affirmations should be said daily, should be in the present tense, and should be said in your voice. Working with affirmation CDs is also helpful.

Visualize your success. See yourself succeeding at what you want to achieve. This will help boost the results of your affirmations. There no point saying an affirmation about making a million dollars and never have an image of you achieving that goal to support it. When you visualize your subconscious associates the image with the affirmation and helps you achieve the success you want sooner.

Spread the Positive Energy

When you’re positive, when you have a positive thinking mindset and when you work with positive affirmations daily you begin to spread the positive vibe. When this happens you naturally begin to attract positive people and positive situations into your life.

These changes won’t happen overnight, but they will happen and once they do – lookout because the process will accelerate.

We are all connected and we have an impact on each other in ways we don’t even know or understand. Our thoughts and attitudes shape who we are. If you’re a chronic negative thinker, if you always look at the worst in every situation then you will naturally attract negative situations and negative people into your life.

When you have a positive thinking pattern, when you work with positive affirmations daily and when you are focused on finding solutions you attract people and situations that will help you succeed, that’s why it’s so vital to have a positive thinking pattern.

Tell your friends and family to instill a positive thinking mindset and to regularly focus on the positive things in life.

Some final suggestions:

Track your thoughts and take an active role in what you think. Your mind is on autopilot – thinking what it wants when it wants. Now you need to take control and direct the mind to having only positive thoughts.

When you come across a negative thought, change it and replace it with a thought that allows you to achieve what you want or makes your life more pleasant.

Visualize your success, see yourself living the life you want.

Don’t let negative thinkers get the upper hand. Don’t listen to them – you are in charge of your life and with a positive thinking pattern you stand a much better chance of success.

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