Trafficking in children is a global problem affecting large numbers of children. Some estimates have as many as 1.2 million children being trafficked every year. There is a demand for trafficked children as cheap labour or for sexual exploitation. Children and their families are often unaware of the dangers of trafficking, believing that better employment and lives lie in other countries.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Baby born after mom shot near West Bank settlement By the CNN Wire Staff.

Baby born after mom shot near West Bank settlement By the CNN Wire Staff.

Jerusalem (CNN) -- A woman who was shot near a West Bank settlement gave birth to her baby at a nearby hospital, the Israeli military said Monday.
Gunmen targeting vehicles near the Tene Omarim settlement, south of Hebron, opened fire on a car the pregnant Israeli woman and her husband were riding in Sunday evening, the military said.
The woman was lightly injured in the attack and took herself to the Soroka Medical Center, the military said, where doctors delivered her baby.
An Israeli moratorium on building new settlements in the West Bank expired Sunday -- a milestone met by cheers from supporters of settlements and concern from diplomats involved in the initial rounds of face-to-face talks between Palestinians and Israelis.
Palestinian officials have said that if building resumes on territory they consider part of a future Palestinian state, they will walk away from the latest negotiations aimed at resolving their decades-old conflict with Israel.
Speaking at the United Nations on Saturday, Abbas said Israel "must choose between peace and the continuation of settlements," but there was no immediate Palestinian response to the expiration.
In a statement shortly after the moratorium expired at midnight Sunday (6 p.m. ET Sunday), Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Palestinians not to walk away from newly resumed peace talks over the lapsed restrictions.
Israel "is ready to hold continuous contacts in the coming days in order to find a way to continue the peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority," Netanyahu said.
He asked Abbas to "stay in the talks and, with me, continue on the road towards peace."
Last month, the Israeli military said four Israelis were killed in a similar attack, when gunmen opened fire on a vehicle near Hebron in the West Bank. The militant wing of Hamas claimed responsibility, officials said.
Earlier this month, when talks between Netanyahu and Abbas began, members of the militant wing of Hamas and representatives of 10 other militant groups said they were joining forces and that attacks on Israelis would continue.

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