Trafficking in children is a global problem affecting large numbers of children. Some estimates have as many as 1.2 million children being trafficked every year. There is a demand for trafficked children as cheap labour or for sexual exploitation. Children and their families are often unaware of the dangers of trafficking, believing that better employment and lives lie in other countries.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Seeing Through the Miracles of 9/11

Seeing Through the Miracles of 9/11

From its artful cinematography to its rich underscore, Incontrovertible is an inspired and well-researched documentary that reaches its viewers on multiple levels, with layered messages.

A Review of Incontrovertible, the New Documentary by Tony Rooke

To believe the official 9/11 conspiracy theory, one must also believe that September 11, 2001, was a day of miracles. Not the miracles found in folklore meant to entertain children, or religious miracles that guide spirituality, or even miracles whose unproven phenomena help temper scientific arrogance — but miracles of an entirely different variety.

There was the miracle of the nineteen hijackers who defeated a multi-billion dollar air defense system with two-dollar box cutters — five of whom would later return from the grave. And then there was the miracle of a flight school dropout who, after accomplishing a 270-degree turn that pilots with 30 years of experience could not execute, maneuvered a commercial jetliner toward his target as though he were backing the family car into the garage.

There were miracles of passenger cell phones functioning at altitudes of 30,000 feet, well above their operational range; of a hijacker's intact passport found unscathed amidst pulverized debris at Ground Zero; of oxygen-starved, carbon-based office fires reaching temperatures hot enough to melt steel; and of the straight-down explosive collapse of two 110-story towers in less than a combined 20 seconds.

But these are only a fraction of the 9/11 miracles that, fully sanctioned by what purports to be a free and truth-seeking mainstream media, make up the essential fabric of an official narrative that has been used to eviscerate our Bill of Rights, steamroll Newton's laws of motion, and foment hatred, racism, and intolerance. It's a tragic narrative that has allowed the soulless to wrest control of public policy from the sane and has commandeered hearts and minds of disillusioned youths in both America and abroad, luring them to fight and die in endless wars that feed the power-hungry aims and fill the bottomless pockets of tycoons, tyrants, and terrorists alike.

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