Trafficking in children is a global problem affecting large numbers of children. Some estimates have as many as 1.2 million children being trafficked every year. There is a demand for trafficked children as cheap labour or for sexual exploitation. Children and their families are often unaware of the dangers of trafficking, believing that better employment and lives lie in other countries.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Rick Santorum Bombshell: US Created ISIS And Caused Paris Attacks

Rick Santorum Bombshell: US Created ISIS And Caused Paris Attacks

Presidential candidate Rick Santorum has issued a bombshell statement about ISIS, claiming that the USA created the terror group and are thus ultimately responsible for the Paris attacks. 

Speaking at a GOP meeting on Saturday, Santorum said that President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are directly responsible for the creation of ISIS/ISIL. reports:

He said that the terrorist group “is a creation of a political decision by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to abandon Iraq — against all of our generals’ recommendations, against all of the policy recommendations.”

“Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, under her watch, decided politics above the security of our country and the stability and security of the world,” said Santorum, who served as a senator representing Pennsylvania from 1995 to 2007.

ISIL terrorists, who were initially trained by the CIA in Jordan in 2012 to destabilize the Syrian government, now control parts of Syria and Iraq. They have been engaged in crimes against humanity in the areas under their control.

The United States and its allies have been conducting airstrikes against ISIL in Iraq and Syria since last year.

Observers say while the US and its allies claim they are fighting against terrorist groups like ISIL, they in fact helped create and train those organizations to affect their policies in the Middle East.

According to US geopolitical commentator Dean Henderson, the United States and its allies have encouraged the spread of the ISIL terrorist group in the Middle East to create a “perpetual war” in the region and advance the American military-industrial complex.

“This is what ISIS is all about, this is the reason that ISIS exists, because we’re going to be able to make a lot more arms sales to a lot more actors in the Middle East,” said Dean Henderson, an author and columnist at Veterans Today, using another acronym for the terror network.

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