Trafficking in children is a global problem affecting large numbers of children. Some estimates have as many as 1.2 million children being trafficked every year. There is a demand for trafficked children as cheap labour or for sexual exploitation. Children and their families are often unaware of the dangers of trafficking, believing that better employment and lives lie in other countries.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016



A Daily Web Page Summary of the Dirty Lies, Glaring Omissions,

Half Truths & Globalist Bias of The NY Times Front Page Headlines

NY Times: Hillary Clinton Races to Close Enthusiasm Gap With Bernie Sanders in Iowa


With voters mobbing Mr. Sanders at events in the state, exposing a disparity in passion for the two Democrats, Mrs. Clinton has gone on the attack and tried to energize supporters.


Until recently, we here at the Editorial Board at The Anti-New York Times had been convinced that Bolshevik Bernie Sanders (cough cough) was knowingly playing the role of Communist Democrap in order to make Killary seem like a more "moderate" Democrap. We wrote, this past July:

"With that record in mind, it could very well be that the true purpose of his campaign is to attack his Marxist sister Killary from the Radical Left, thus catapulting her into the General Election looking like a "moderate"."

Now, we're not so sure! It is beginning to look more and more as though the constant attacks on Killary from the Big Left are neither about innoculation nor positioning to the center. With scum like George Soros (cough cough) and The Huffington Compost lining up behind Bernie; and with Sulzberger's Slimes front-page puffing him up just weeks before the 2016 Primaries, could it be that the kosher controllers now feel so secure that they no longer feel the need to hide their power behind goy puppets?

With Soros and Sulzberger behind him, and Obongo's FBI harassing Killary, the Communist Jew Sanders could actually become the Democrat nominee.

From the article:

Iowa Democrats are displaying far less passion for Hillary Clinton than for Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont three weeks before the presidential caucuses, creating anxiety inside the Clinton campaign as she scrambles to energize supporters and to court wavering voters.

The enthusiasm gap spilled abundantly into view in recent days, from the cheering crowds and emotional outpourings that greeted Mr. Sanders, and in interviews with more than 50 Iowans at campaign stops for both candidates.

* From The Huffington Compost's H.A. Goodman (cough cough) -- Headline: Bernie Sanders Will Win the Democratic Nomination and Presidency in a Landslide (here)

* From / George Soros -- Headline: The Top 5 Reasons MoveOn Members Voted to Endorse Bernie (with the Most Votes and Widest Margin in Our History) (here)

This is real, folks! A full-blown, out-of-the-closet Communist Tribesman now has a legitimate shot at being the next President of the Disunited States. It is amusing to still see some in the alternative news community falling hook, hammer and sickle for Bolshevik Bernie's "outsider" populist act - a cynical scam sold to the sheeple by the seditious scribblers of Sulzberger's Slimes. Far from being an "outsider", Sanders is a dyed-in-the-wool pro-Fed and pro-Israel Marxist from Ben & Jerry's commie-pinko-hippie Vermont. Sander's fake "populism" is that of the Jewish rabble-rouser on a soap box, a la Leon Trotsky (Russia), Emma Goldman (United States), Rosa Luxemburg (Germany)  and Bela Kun (Hungary).

"Blah - blah - blah...I'm for the the working man... blah, blah, blah.....40 acres and a mule...blah - blah - blah."

Trotsky - Luxemburg - Goldman - Kun --- Jewish verbal masters of rabble-rousing Red "populism"--just like Sanders!

For those desperate fools hopeful over the fact that Bernie Sanders sponsored the Senate's companion version of Ron Paul's "Audit the Fed Act"; understand that then-Congressman Paul himself exposed Sanders' betrayal. Paul wrote:

"Bernie Sanders has sold out and sided with [Sen.] Chris Dodd to gut Audit the Fed in the Senate. His 'compromise' is what the administration and banking interests want."

Paul was upset because Sanders watered down 'Audit the Fed' in a way that would have prevented any real oversight of the Fed's actual and ongoing monetary policy.  The "Man of the People" Sanders also suggested a Federal Reserve bailout of Greece! (here)

Bernie Sanders is NOT Ron Paul! 

On the foreign policy front, Sanders is quick to rightfully condemn the GOP and Bibi Satanyahu as warmongers; but he has also supported sanctions against Iran while repeating the dirty Zionist lie that Iran is a potential nuclear threat. He supported the brutal war on Kosovo, the invasion of Afghanistan, funding for the endless disaster in Iraq and the never-ending "War on Terror".

As for Israel; Bernie may pay lip service to peace, yet he faithfully supports billions of dollars in foreign aid to Tel Aviv and has backed Bibi Satanyahu's murderous bombing of Gaza, both in 2014 and 2009. Several former members of Bernie's staff have even worked for AIPAC.

Kosovo and Gaza - Both horror shows were blessed by Bernie.

Sanders, like almost every other Big Jew in America, is also a rabid Russia basher:

“The entire world has got to stand up to Putin. We've got to deal with sanctions.”, Sanders declared.

Stand up to Russia? For what, Bernie? You and your DC gang are the ones who needlessly expanded bloody NATO right up to Russia's border, incited a violent coup in Ukraine, installed a ruthless gang of puppet criminals in Kiev, and continue to deploy heavy military assets to the region! This is how the sneaky subversive Sanders operates. He passes himself off as anti-Establishment, then he goes along with the Establishment on every major issue.

Frankly, a Sanders Presidency would be preferrable to that of another Bush or another Clinton. With an actual full blown pure-blooded Tribesman in the White House, it could serve to wake some people up as to who the real bosses are. But then again, Boobus Americanus still might not ever wake up.

*Addendum: The "ex-Democrat" and fomer Mayor of New York City, Mike Bloomberg (cough cough), considering 3rd Party run (to split the GOP vote and elect Sanders?)


Boobus Americanus 1: I read an article in The New York Times today about Bernie Sanders. He might actually have a shot at beating Hillary.

Boobus Americanus 2: Well, they say that this is the year of the outsider. Bernie's populism is very appealing to those who are fed up with politics as usual.


"Outsider my asss! He'ss been a DC Communisst for 25 frickin' yearss!"

(And involved in politics for 44 years!)

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