Monday, October 26, 2015

Remove Killer Obama from Office and Shut Wall Street Without Compensation

Remove Killer Obama from Office and Shut Wall Street Without Compensation

Lyndon LaRouche yesterday continued the two vital themes of the week: Obama, who is now thoroughly exposed as a mass killer, as the result of the Drone Papers, must be immediately removed from office; and Wall Street, which is hopelessly bankrupt, must be shut down altogether—without any compensation.

In a 2013 book-length account of the 2012 presidential campaign, authors Mark Halperin and John Heilemann quoted President Obama from a conversation with White House aides boasting,
"Turns out I'm really good at killing people. Didn't know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine."
Obama made the remarks after a US drone strike killed a US citizen, Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen. At no point has the White House attempted to refute the accuracy of the quote.

Had Congress and the American people listened to Lyndon LaRouche back in April 2009, when he first warned in a now-famous international webcast from Washington, that Obama was a dangerous narcissist in the tradition of Emperor Nero, much of the horror of the past seven years might have been averted, by immediate application of the 25th Amendment. More recently, LaRouche has underscored that Obama was turned into a cold killer early in his life, courtesy of his abusive step-father in Indonesia, who was part of the Suharto coup apparatus and death squads.
"The step-father, who raised Obama during a formative period of his life, was a stone-cold killer, and it shows today in Obama's fervor for killing,"
LaRouche commented.

The challenge today is not to produce the evidence of Obama's mass murderous crimes. The evidence is now on the public record, through the release of the Drone Papers and much more. The challenge, as LaRouche observed to his Policy Committee on Wednesday, is to ignite the American people, leading with the leading circles in Alexander Hamilton's Manhattan, to force Congress to act before the United States is lost altogether. It is the bankruptcy of Congress, with very few exceptions, that is why Obama is still in office.

The other immediate task for a remoralized citizenry, is to shut down Wall Street. Wall Street is irreversibly bankrupt, and should be put out of its misery now. Through the reinstating of Glass-Steagall, the wiping out of Wall Street can be conducted in an orderly fashion, that avoids the chaos that will engulf the country if it is not re-enacted. With the quadrillions of dollars in derivatives and other unpayable gambling debts out of the way, the Hamiltonian solution, last expressed systematically in Franklin Roosevelt's recovery program and build-up of the American Arsenal of Democracy, can be immediately implemented. The scale of the current collapse of the productive powers of the American people is much greater than the breakdown of the early Great Depression years, but the same Hamiltonian principles are as necessary today as they were at the time of Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and FDR.

LaRouche emphasized that the United States has not had an effective presidency since Ronald Reagan. Bill Clinton attempted to be effective, but was stymied at every turn directly by the British. Under George W. Bush and Barack Obama, the real economy of the United States has been destroyed, at an accelerating rate. It is not too late to reverse that, but it must start with Obama's removal and the wiping out of Wall Street.

As LaRouche reported on Tuesday in his policy statement on the 2016 presidential elections, the American people are desperate but showing signs of waking up to the need to act now.


U.S. Senator Mike Gravel Denounces Obama's Drone Wars

Oct. 20—U.S. Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska (1969-1981) denounced the Obama Administration's policy of killing civilians and bystanders through "Drone Strikes planned by meetings of a very precise and elaborate command structure" involving CIA Director John Brennan and others, but which ultimately rests on President Obama personally.

In June 1971, Senator Gravel alone had the courage to read "The Pentagon Papers," Daniel Ellsberg's revelation of the lies told to the American public to hide the failure of the Vietnam War, into Congressional proceedings. At the time of Sen. Gravel's exposure of the Vietnam War lies, both The New York Times and Washington Post had been enjoined by courts from publishing the papers, and Ellsberg threatened with criminal prosecution and prison. Today, there is no legal bar to publication of the "Drone Papers," but the major press have refused to cover the story.

The following press release was made available to LaRouche PAC by U.S. Senator Mike Gravel (1969-1981)

The Intercept website's "The Drone Papers" details the inner workings of the U.S. military assassination program in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Somalia in murderous detail. "The Drone Papers," provided by a second 'Edward Snowden,' are now getting traction inside the United States, despite the major media's cover-up, with coverage picked up in Mother Jones, WIRED magazine, Small Wars Journal, and Lawfare, plus  British coverage in The Guardian and newspapers in Ireland.

Mother Jones headlined its coverage "A Massive National Security Leak Just Blew the Lid Off Obama's Drone War." It quotes The Intercept's unnamed whistleblower,
"This outrageous explosion of watchlisting—of monitoring people and racking and stacking them on lists, assigning them numbers, assigning them `baseball cards,' assigning them death sentences without notice, on a worldwide battlefield—it was, from the very first instance, wrong."
The story noted that Amnesty International has called for an immediate Congressional investigation into the entire drone program, arguing that the newly leaked documents
"raise serious concerns about whether the USA has systematically violated International law, including by classifying unidentified people as 'combatants' to justify their killing."
There are now official U.S. military documents, the article noted, detailing the extent of the mass kill program (between Jan. 2012 and Feb. 2013, for example, 200 people were killed in drone strikes in northeastern Afghanistan, while only 35 people were named on the kill list). The Mother Jones story also  highlighted the fact that, in some instances, President Obama signed off on kill orders that did not even identify specific targets, but authorized drone attacks based on patterns of observed behavior by groups of people.

The Guardian highlighted the fact that President Obama has been lying in his claims that his drone program requires "near certainty" that there will be no civilian casualties. According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, nearly 1,000 civilians have been killed in 421 drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004, and an estimated 200 children. Yet the drone program lists all unidentified civilians killed in combat as terrorists to cover up the fact that, in many areas where the drone program is operating, 90 percent of the people killed are not the approved targets.

At my first encounter with Barack Obama, at the first debate for the 2008 Democratic Presidential candidates in South Carolina in 2007, I questioned Obama's commitment to using lethal force to take out terrorists, after Barack Obama stated that 'There is no contradiction between us using our military and in some cases, lethal forms, to take out terrorists and building on alliances around the world...' referring to Iran and the possibility of supporting Israel if it were threatened. Obama was somewhat embarrassed that he had made that connection. As he passed behind me after the debate's conclusion, he angrily addressed me, 'Who are you, Gravel, to question my morality in using nuclear missiles in a First Strike?' Then, I did question his morality. Today, I point to Obama's obvious immorality in using Drone strikes on innocent bystanders in drone missile attacks.

Obama: "I'm really good at killing people"

A 2013 book on the previous year's presidential elections by Mark Halperin and John Heileman, featured a quote from President Barack Obama that should come to haunt him now that the Drone Papers have been leaked to the public, and gained wide circulation. Double Down: Game Change 2012 reported that, in a 2012 discussion with aides, reviewing the Administration's drone kill policy, Obama boasted
"Turns out I'm really good at killing people. Didn't know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine."

In the two full years since the publication of Double Down, the Obama Administration has not denied the accuracy of the quote, instead complaining about the persistent leaks. In a May 2013 speech at the National Defense University, Obama, in effect, admitted he was a killer, telling the audience,
"Let us remember that the terrorists we are after target civilians, and the death toll from their acts of terrorism against Muslims dwarfs any estimate of civilian casualties from drone strikes."
Maybe so, but since launching the expanded drone kill program in his first year in office, President Obama has authorized 326 strikes in Pakistan alone. The drone kill program is known to be operating in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Somalia.

The most detailed media account of President Obama's drone kill program, prior to the leaking of the Drone Papers, was the May 29, 2012, New York Times story by Jo Becker and Scott Shane, "Secret 'Kill List' Proves a Test of Obama's Principles and Will," which exposed the regular Tuesday White House Situation Room sessions, chaired by the President, where the kill decisions are made.

Bernanke: Don't Do Glass-Steagall; You'll Shut Down Wall Street

Speaking at an interview staged by Politico Oct. 20, former Fed chief helicopter-money man Ben Bernanke said that passing a new Glass-Steagall Act would shut down Wall Street, in effect. The man who bailed out Wall Street and London megabanks with Garagantuan "excess bank reserve creation" programs starting in early 2007 and continuing through 2014, said he was "puzzled" that Democratic candidates for President would want to end these bailouts by restoring Glass-Steagall. Bernanke himself made clear that he does not want Wall Street shut down (nor the real U.S. economy restarted).

Bernanke's interview was conducted by Ben White of Politico at an event called "Fiscal Future" sponsored by that news service; and Politico headlined his opposition to Glass-Steagall in its coverage of the interview on Oct. 21.

After registering his disapproving puzzlement at Gov. Martin O'Malley's and others' "focus on that particular provision [glass-steagall]," Bernanke proceeded to run through a memorized boilerplate of London's falsehoods about Glass-Steagall and the 2007-08 crash. These lies are by now so standardized, that they are passed out on cue cards from the Obama White House and Treasury to all aspiring political whores who come to Washington; some reports say junior high school students around the Capital must pass tests on them.

Bernanke's ability to repeat these falsehoods certainly was not worth the quarter-million dollars he was probably paid for the appearance.

But he did then get to what he knows himself, particularly from ordering Bank of America to buy Merrill Lynch and take over its derivatives, ordering AIG to pay off Goldman Sachs's derivatives at 100% with taxpayers' money, etc., in 2008.

That is, if we break up the megabanks with Glass-Steagall, exposing the securities and derivatives trading of each of their thousands of subsidiaries, the vast majority of those subsidiaries will be found to be bankrupt, worthless without the backing of commercial-bank deposits.

Thus, we will shut down Wall Street.
"Just breaking them into tiny little pieces, you're going to lose a lot of value if you do that, without thinking about what the economics is,"
was how Bernanke put it.

"The economics" of Bailout Ben have the U.S. economy and workforce still in a collapse seven years after the bank panic. EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche's proposal, precisely to break them up into pieces and shut the Wall Street bankrupts down, allows national credit policies to be started to restore the productivity and livelihood of that workforce.

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